Methods to increase the life of the tea plucking machine manufacturer

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tea plucking machine manufacturer

The increase in the service life of the tea plucking machine manufacturer is equivalent to a reduction in cost, because when the tea plucking machine manufacturer breaks down, it needs to buy another one. So, how should life expectancy be increased? Many users want to know, not only to save money, mainly to save time more convenient, to avoid buying new goods also need logistics, delay time. Improving the service life of the tea plucking machine manufacturer can be divided into two parts, improving the service life of the tea plucking machine manufacturer and the service life of the supporting lithium battery, then we will analyze it in detail.

1, the electric tea plucking machine manufacturer supporting power supply refers to the lithium battery, pay attention to not over discharge, when the battery shows that the power is fast, should be timely to charge, do not continue to use. Although the tea plucking machine manufacturer can still be turned to use, in fact, this will cause damage to the battery, multiple overload will cause irreversible damage, so this problem needs attention. Many users will not notice the overcharge, because the previous lead-acid battery is charged before going to bed, and the power is disconnected after waking up. Lithium batteries can not be so, different capacity of lithium batteries its charge and discharge time is different, should be strictly in accordance with the instructions marked on the charging time for charging. If it is not used for a long time, it needs to be regularly charged, because it will be put away without use, and it will be put away without use. Therefore, it should be maintained on time, and the storage place should also be dry and ventilated.

2, the life of the tea plucking machine manufacturer is mainly the blade, of course, other parts also need to be maintained. Every time you use it, check the screw connection at the link to prevent loosening. Check whether the blade is abnormal, damaged, gash, deformation, etc., to be replaced in time.

3, there are external factors, that is, the use of tea plucking machine manufacturer environment, before the use of the work area to check whether there are foreign bodies, to clean up. Because if there are stones, when the blade is running at high speed against the stone, it is dangerous. And it is easy to be scratched by the blade, so this is also a factor affecting the service life of the tea plucking machine manufacturer.

If the tea plucking machine manufacturer wants to use it for a long time, it should be maintained according to the above steps, of course, this is only the general direction of operation. In actual use, it is still necessary to carry out maintenance and maintenance according to the actual situation, as long as you care carefully, then the tea plucking machine manufacturer can certainly be used for a longer time.

tea plucking machine manufacturer
